Saturday, April 4, 2009

Time Spent Together are Memories Wifey Wells

In relationships, time can get away from us very quickly. As couples, we have to deal with work, children, their school and their activities. Additionally, we have to make time to keep the household running properly… chores need to be addressed and errands need to be tackled.

With having all of these responsibilities, sometimes it can seem nearly impossible for spouses to spend time with one another. When we age and turn gray, what memories will we have to share with our children and our grandchildren?

Lately, I see how time has been escaping me and my husband. I do remember there was a time in our marriage where we made time for each other. Now, it’s really about the jobs and the children. With us adding to the family this coming summer, I can only imagine that us spending time alone is a thing of the past. This just isn’t a good thing for married couples. I admit that I am guilty of not making time to do things with my husband; but a lot of the problem is having someone to keep the children. I am one of those mothers who prefer not leaving her children with other people. There are very few people that we trust with our children. The people who we trust have children of their own, so sometimes I feel like we can be imposing. I think it’s just something that I have to get over personally because our network of parents don’t mind having our kids over. I know I can’t continue to use this as an excuse as God has surrounded us with so much loving support.

Last night, after putting our youngest to bed, my husband and I watched an hour of television together. I cannot remember the last time we did that. It was actually really nice to sit there with him in the family room while watching something that I really had no interest in. It wasn’t the television show that I was enjoying; it was the company of my husband that I was taking advantage of.

With knowing how important marriage is, I want to do everything possible to ensure that my marriage stays solid. I want to be confident in knowing that husband is always going to be my husband and my best friend. With this acknowledgement, I am going to make a commitment to my husband. My commitment is to make the time needed for “US” to have those moments that are going to be cherished forever. This in turn will not only benefit my husband and me, it will also benefit our children. Our children will grow to understand how important relationships are and how important it is to spend time with the one you love.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Your Spouse is Not the Enemy

Having your spouse accessible at all times can have its challenges sometimes. Because of the close proximity of your spouse, you may tend to take your spouse for granted…not purposely. Also, not purposely, we may sometimes treat our spouse unfairly due to other situations experienced outside of the home that has nothing to do with the spouse. How fair and loving is that?

I know life can throw some hard balls our way at times…work…finances…sickness…loss of loved ones…plus many other life challenges. It is important to realize that in these times, your spouse is not the enemy working against you, but is your teammate…your partner…your ally. Start utilizing your spouse for one of the main reasons God put you together…as a Help Mate. Use your spouse to help you get through those tough days at the office by talking about the challenges you faced that day. Talk to your spouse about the pains that you feel or the disappointments you experience throughout the week. This should not only make you feel better, but it will bring the two of you closer as a couple.

As you continue to practice this within your marriage, you both will realize that only the devil is the enemy in any challenging situation and he can be defeated. Be sure to use your help mate…your ally…your spouse to defeat and overcome any challenges you face in life.

Let me know your thoughts.

Take care and be blessed.

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