Sunday, November 4, 2007

Purpose of "Our Happy Marriage"

I would like to welcome you to my blog. The purpose of this blog is to educate, motivate, encourage, and inspire marriages around the world. In today's world, marriages are faced with many communication, no intimacy, wide-spread adultery, and even divorce. I want to highlight the positives within marriage. While we all know that no one is perfect, and no marriage is perfect; we can all strive to have as close to a perfect marriage as possible.

As we start this communication journey together, I plan to discuss topics that weight heavy on my mind and heart; and I also would like to discuss items that you may have on your mind and heart. I want this to be an open forum that all can benefit from; regardless of your race, religion, age, or number of years of marriage. Please share your experiences and state how the good and bad experiences have made your marriage stronger. Your good or bad experience may be just the thing that someone else reading it needs to make it make their marriage work. This is my purpose.

Please feel free to post comments on topics that you would like to discuss and we can add it to the topics listing for discussion. When posting your comments, if you would say what state or country you are from, it would be greatly appreciated.

Let's have some fun and let's show the world that we have strong marriages.

Talk to you soon!


Unknown said...

Please allow us to commend you on such a relevant and interesting blog! There are plenty of negative images and commentaries depicting marriage in the most discouraging light. We're willing to bet that each and every person reading this blog has, on some level, been either directly or indirectly affected by the devastating impact of divorce or the wide-sweeping reach of an unhealthy marriage. Rarely do we seize the opportunity to celebrate marriage for all that God intended it to be and we sincerely hope that others will share their experiences in this forum.

We should say that we have been married for 17 years and feel that we are self proclaimed experts in the growth of our own marriage. If we had to list JUST A FEW factors (there are so many more) that have proven essential to the development of our marriage they would be: a personal and spiritual connection to our Creator (individually and as a family), ongoing communication,commitment to one another and to the marriage, being attentive to each others needs/wishes, and defining/ reinventing our roles as the marriage evolves.

We've all heard that a successful marriage takes a 50/50 effort between both spouses, however, we discovered that our marriage works best when each of us contributes 100% both to the marriage and to whatever role we are fulfilling at any given time. This is not to say that subscription to our philosophy is without its challenges. Disagreements regarding money, child-rearing and even marital roles are real life issues that invade even the soundest marriages. But we learned to first respect one another(resist the urge to hit below the belt), particularly during disagreements. Also, a little bit of humor goes a long way!

Let's face it; each of us have enough material on developing healthy marriages to really make this blog one of the most visited on the internet. We look forward to checking in to compare notes and share our views on overcoming marriages challenges as well as discussing how important it is to celebrate the union as well.

Chow for now!
Jesse & Natalie
Plainfield, IL

C Wells said...


Thank you for sharing your experiences. I look forward to hearing from you in the future helping us out.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I just wanted to comment on the purpose of our Happy Marriage. I believe that my marriage to my husband Eddie is designed to be an example of Christ's relationship to the Church. It is very difficult to non-believers to understand somoene that they can not see. So God has blessed us to be models for him.
As we unite as 1 we model how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one. When others see that my husband loves me in spite of my faults (and there are many), He shows how Christ loves us all. When I humbly submit my will, I show how God wants us to submit to his will.
A Godly happy marriage is light to those in the church and outside the church.

Anonymous said...

I think this issue/blog came just in time for me. I received an email about my husband cheating on me. I didn't know what to think. I have a big issue with trust so right now I am in limbo. Any advice?

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C Wells said...

I am thankful that you are continuing to find these postings helpful. Your comments continue to give me the extra motivation to share my thoughts and ideas.

Be blessed

Anonymous said...

I would like to read a bit more soon. BTW, rather nice design you have at that blog, but what do you think about changing it every few months?

Anonymous said...

Just popping in to say nice site.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.